

  • Harry Potter and the Second Chance

    It's a few days after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry feels the grief and the guilt to deaths that were unnecessary, that shouldn't have happened. When someone offers Harry a chance to redo everything, well, you can guess what a Gryffindor response is. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine, only the OC.

  • Harry Potter and the Second Chance

    It's a few days after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry feels the grief and the guilt to deaths that were unnecessary, that shouldn't have happened. When someone offers Harry a chance to redo everything, well, you can guess what a Gryffindor response is. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine, only the OC.

  • Unova Journeys!

    Giratina watching over Ash as he journeys Unova. Misty comes back and joins Ash. N joins the Unova gang. tl;dr: Basically, a self-indulgent fic where Ash doesn't get rebooted and N joins the group. So, I'm throwing canon under the bus. Crossposted at Ao3: /works/34825339/chapters/86717683