
  • A bargain

    When Natasha went down to the holding cell on Helicarrier amidst an alien attack, she expected to find a looming, dangerous god, not a man in the middle of a mental breakdown. Originally written as a one-shot, now an ongoing multi-chapter fic.

  • Name the Price

    Loki messes with the Dwarves. The Dwarves very much don't like to be messed with. What follows is a very painful lesson on diplomacy. A.k.a. the lip-sewing incident.

  • Under Pressure

    The Tesseract-powered device malfunctions and the Avengers get a first-hand opportunity to witness the Asgardian justice in action. It's not pretty.

  • Lost and Found

    Loki finds himself imprisoned in a TVA facility, dedicated to holding variants, forever. Well, maybe not so much for the latter part if Loki - or his new, unexpected companions - have any say in it. Pretty much an AU - Prison, but without an AU, since it's more of a canon divergence.

  • Cascade

    Loki lands on Earth much earlier than in canon, just in time for everything to go horribly bad.

  • The Ghost of Stark Manor

    Morgan is four years old and she knows a lot of things. She knows the hours of the day and why the sun rises in the sky in the morning, and that the stars are just more suns, but far away. She knows that Dora in TV is not real, and how letters printed in her books make sounds in her head and create words and sentences. She also knows there's something living in their basement.

  • Of Kings and Fools and Foolish Kings

    Loki stands before Odin and - despite Frigga's warning - decides to "make it worse."