S.carlett V.on U.ttenburg

  • An Extraordinary Cliche

    I need something extraordinary to get me to September 22. What will season 24 SVU and season 3 OC bring? We don't know. But I hope it's close to this! I'm desperately needing EO and a little RafaBenStab Triangle. So here's a quickee for you. It's gonna short. It's gonna be wild. 2-3 chapters tops. Romance, a hint of Crime, mature subject matter.

  • Under Covers

    I'm not going to sugar coat it. This story is full on EO Romantic, fluffy, dirty, lovey dovey EO. With a dash of Crime. So if you need EO like I do, come on in and have a read.

  • A Ventral Tegmental Crisis

    The Ventral Tegmental is the spot in your brain that becomes active when you're in love. This is my take on Olivia's recent irrational behavior and how she may deal with it.