A tribe of Dragons, obsessed with eating their own eggs, lies hidden away in the Claw of the Clouds Mountains. A young OmeletWing, Embryo, sets out to discover if she has more purpose in life than just to be an Egg Layer, and discovers what it truly means to be herself. T for dramatic thematic elements involving Egg Laying and Indirect Conversations of Male/Female Differences.
S.O.X. really wanted to do whale calls.
Every year dragons from all over the globe come together for the Egglympics where they compete in all sorts of Egg Oriented events, from Egg Laying, to Egg Eating, to Egg Ball Games. Join your favorite dragons as they pour out their sweat and their tears, all in the effort to become the Greatest Egglympians!
Polly's daring attempt to kiss Dominio I.
Yep, Trixie Lays Some Eggs for Some Reason. Rated T For Comedic and Painful Egg Laying.
Yeah, this would have been an entirely different Season Finale.
Just me expressing my trauma at horrific events that have become of our favorite past POV characters. Things that would would never have become of them back when we were in their old POV. But hey, who needs empathy for characters anymore after their POV story line has ended? (Haven't finished reading Flames of Hope, possibly more to come, but I'm not going to be okay if there is).
Gamora falls in love with her man
On a quest to rediscover the dragons, Hitch keeps getting bashed in the worst way possible.
Phineas waits until the last minute to do his 1000 word homework assignment.
When Sisu lays a worthless non-baby-dragon-producing egg for no reason at all, she searches for purpose as her motherly affections begin to grow for the inanimate object. Rated T for implied but non-graphic depictions of certain aspects of the Egg Laying process and Implied Anatomy.
When Bonnie discovers Woody's missing, Buzz comes up with a simple plan to help reassure her that Woody has found happiness.