Padma The Q

  • To Go Back Again

    Sequel to And Never Back Again. Just like the trees of her forest had turned into the woods of Dunland, the forests of Ithilien became the trees of the Shire. But not just the land had changed. A rune was carved into the door of Bag End and inside, was a pacing, youthful, Bilbo Baggins. Whatever dangers were ahead, she'd face them for the chance to return to Gondor, and to Aragorn.

  • And Never Back Again

    The woods around her apartment had changed once she started walking through them, the land had grown quiet, and the Ranger stepping out of the shadows was suddenly as real as her thirst and hunger. When the reality of Middle-Earth can't be explained away by dehydration, Josephine has to convince Aragorn to see her to Rivendell or else she may never find answers for what happened.

  • When Life Gives You Fiction

    Hey, did you guys want another Indiana Jones self insert? Awesome. Did you want one for all three movies cause there were only three movies, right? Right. Good. Did you want that to eventually evolve into a WWII drama with spies and resistance and intrigue and lovers torn apart by war and eventually reunited at the end? Sweet, cause that's also in the plans. Good talk everybody.

  • Not A Prophet

    When Daniel and Sha're found Bonnie out in the desert on Abydos it was weird. When Bonnie woke up to the faces of two fictional characters it got weirder. Maybe she shouldn't have told Daniel she knew who he was because of a TV show she was obsessed with well into adulthood, but she'd blame that on the interdimensional travel migraine. Cam/OC S9 & S10 brief Lorne/OC mid series.

  • Expectations

    Bail Organa has a mission for Cassian Andor, find someone before the Empire does and bring them back to Yavin. He's not told why, but that's also none of his business. He just wonders why she seems so out of place. Is it weird and kind of dumb and something I never intended for other human eyes to see? Yes. Is she force sensitive? No.

  • Day Over Night

    Breaking into your neighbor's adjoined motel room when they start screaming bloody murder at two am isn't exactly beyond Sam and Dean's experience, neither is the subject of the book their neighbor "borrowed" from a university's rare book collection when she started to suspect she was being dogged by a demon. Yep, here's another OC fic. Have fun kids.

  • All In Time

    Ruen has grown up to be, according to at least one person's very biased opinion, the best mechanic in the entire Resistance. But when she was a child Luke Skywalker had hopes to train her in the ways of the Jedi and she turned away from his path. Years after the day he rescued her from her parents' murderers she's finally feeling the pull of the force, but now he's missing.