
  • Mortal Kombat: Second Chances

    Failing to prevent Armageddon, Raiden manages to reverse time by sending images back to his past self with hope for a different outcome to prevent the second coming of Armageddon. Hopefully, he and a new warrior will be able to help with that outcome and pave the way for a better future for all the realms.

  • Highschool of the Dead: Biohazrd

    After the incident in Raccoon City, Jill Valentine sends her family away to Japan for their safety. However, she doesn’t understand how far Umbrella’s reach is and how much of a threat it is to her sister and nephew. Watch as Jill Valentine’s nephew starts off as a small boy and grows into a man along with his friends he makes along the way. This is the story of Jack Valentine.

  • Shinobi Legends: Book 1: The Lightning, the Striker and the Mountain

    3 kids who will become adults at a young age. 3 kids who will become Shinobi. 3 kids who will become legends. 3 kids who are the lightning, the striker and the mountain.