
  • Once Upon A Dream

    "You're covered in him. He floats around your mind constantly. Even here in your dreams, hints of him are seeping through. He's always been in your orbit, ever since that first meeting at Madam Malkin's" Drarry, After The War. One shot, complete. (Disclaimer! I do not own The Harry Potter: Books, Movies, Play, Or Characters!)

  • Unrequited Looks

    "He'd never look at her the way she looked at him. No, those types of looks seemed to already be reserved for the boy with unkempt shaggy hair and perfectly round glasses. Oh what she wouldn't give to be Harry Potter." Oneshot, Drarry one-sided, OC x Draco one-sided, 1st year at Hogwarts. (Disclaimer! I do not own The Harry Potter: Books, Movies, Play, Or Characters!)

  • You're More Than Just A Villain

    Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben and the VKs send an OC character named Hazel undercover to the Isle. In hopes that they can learn about Uma's whereabouts, and what her wicked plans are. On the Isle, Hazel runs into the infamous Harry Hook. Hazel tries to worm her way into the pirate crew, in hopes of getting information. Will she get more than she bargained for?

  • You Were Made For Me

    The bulk of the story takes place in 1880s London. A one shot inspired by the night William was turned, with a few twists of course. "You were made for me, William. You're my destiny, our souls are intertwined. You must feel the same. Please, tell me you do." Grim Reaper AU. (Disclaimer! I do not own the Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Movie, Tv Show, Comic Books, or Characters!)

  • I Don'tDo Care About You

    A horrifying thought struck him without his permission, the berk was gonna kill her. That wasn't the shocking, strike you down on the spot, part. No, the part that rubbed him the wrong way is that he didn't want her dead. "Caring doesn't sometimes lead to misery, it always does." (Disclaimer! I do not own the Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Movie, Tv Show, Comic Books, or Characters!)

  • Her Denial, His Pain

    Buffy's a popular girl, Spike's a punk guy. They're complete opposites, constantly fighting during Sunnydale High's school hours. One of the only things they have in common's that they're secretly in love with each other. "I'm in love with you." "You're in love with pain." All human AU. (Disclaimer! I do not own the Buffy The Vampire Slayer:Movie,Tv Show,Comic Books,or Characters!)

  • More Than Brother And Sister

    Set sometime after the season 1 finale. Bree and Chase start to question whether or not their relationship is strictly platonic or not. Especially after watching a movie called Flowers In The Attic. Meanwhile, Skylar and Oliver aren't exactly the happy couple they once were. Kaz isn't sure what he's feeling. Tensions are rising, triangles are forming, drama will ensue. Rated M.