
  • In Un'Altra Vita

    The Mandalorian Way is often mistaken for war unending when, in truth, its that of paving and securing the path for those to come. Mandalorians are defined by war. Yet, war isn't the goal. It's not enough to win a fight; it's more important to secure the peace that follows. Otherwise, the lives lost would be for nothing. We each only have one and we must make the most of it. (AU)

  • A Calm in the Storm

    A companionship work to Of Water and Salt. This work is a compilation of fluff pieces, deleted scenes and arcs, and other miscellaneous one-shots and mini-arcs that simply didn't get into the main story due to various reasons. Details additional background, interaction and development for many of the characters and sub-plots. (AU) (An OWAS Companionship Work)

  • Of Water and Salt

    Percy Jackson is tired. Tired of all the fighting and all the death. He just wants to rest. The Mortal World is changing as they begin to raise their own champions. The Immortal Realm will not stand idly by as time passes. So when Olympus calls, her Sword must answer. But is it the same blade that fell Gaea or one newly forged? (AU) (Post Giant War) (Pre Battle of New York)

  • Always Faithful

    The Imperium teeters on the brink. Xeno and Heretic assail it from all sides. Traitor and Mutant seek its ruin from within. In the wake of the 13th Black Crusade, Abaddon unleashed insanity onto the Materium, but also something for Mankind in its darkest hour... hope. In this new Age of Darkness, there is only war and the laughter of thirsting gods. Hope is sorely needed. (AU)

  • A Sword of Starlight

    In the Music of the Ainur, there is an infinitesimally small...adjustment that went unaccounted for. The foundations of the Imperishable Flame shook and the Abyssal Void stirred from the clashing of the Ainur and Melkor. Fell things and odd curiosities slipped into the cracks of reality and into the created world. A Sword has awoken and in him, there is only destruction. (AU)

  • A Lament of the Sea

    War is on the horizon. With the threat of annihilation, the Queen of Olympus is forced to take matters into her own hands to keep her family among the living. If that means unleashing a destroyer upon the world, then so be it. A Prequel to 'Of Water and Salt' (AU) (Pre Lightning Thief)