
  • Falling For You

    Unfezant and Excadrill start bonding, and Excadrill quickly realizes that he has a crush on the bird. My rarepair that absolutely no one else ships lol. I coin the ship name as TransportationShipping (it's great I know)

  • You're It (Andy's Apple Farm Oneshot)

    Andy get's wrapped up in an unwanted game of tag with the strange person in his barn, and he's giving the apple a weird feeling... Andy's Apple Farm fanfic yup. Unfortunately it doesn't have a catagory so I marked this as misc. games.

  • Stargazing

    Snivy decides to go up to the roof of the Mistralton City Pokémon Center to clear her head when she should be sleeping. Oshawott also seems to be awake for some reason, so he joins her. Commence Snivy being flustered and cute stuff uwu. More SniWott because I'm based

  • I'll Keep You Safe

    Ash and co. take another day at the nursery so Iris can help take care of some feisty Deino babies. In the meantime, Ash continues training his Pokémon, and after a practice battle, Oshawott goes off on his own to find food for Emolga, when something goes horribly wrong. It's up to Snivy to save him. Will she be able to? The answer is absolutely yes. SniWott once again.

  • Painful Memories

    Snivy has been acting more distant lately, keeping to herself as she's been bottling up her feelings. Can anyone snap her out of it?