
  • Blessing of the Sangue di Luna (Moon Blood)

    Alessandro Petrova, the fifteen year old brother of the damn goddess Katerina Petrova. After, finding him she turns him, but something different happens. He becomes more, than a normal vampire. Stronger, faster more durable and his hatred for abusers. But, there is something he does not know. His ties to the Original Vampires goes deeper than just his sister.

  • Fight or Fall

    Trapped in Atlanta, Luca Romano; a fifteen year old athlete who watched his parents die to the dead. Will he stand tall against new top of the food chain or will he be just a quick bite? (The character is gay, just putting that out there.)

  • Hansel: The Child of Fairytale

    Everyone heard the story and Hansel and Gretel. The two children who got lost in the forest and was almost ate by a witch. What if I told you that story was wrong. It is darker than that, how would I know you ask? Hansel is my name and I lived the true story. (Will be M/M so yeah, I don't know what his pairing will be yet though. So, more tagged character later.)

  • St Clair

    Atlas St. Clair the son of... an orphan. He has a weird quirk that let's him see the possible deaths of the people around him. Bring in Sunnydale, well the poor boy is in for a world of pain death happening around him. But, his early arrival saved one persons demise. (Defianlty going to make this a M/M so just stop reading if you have an issue with that.)

  • Damned in Hell

    Atticus the son of a nobleman and his demon of a marchioness. Used as a sacrifice to open hell, he was instead sent there himself. Now 6 centuries Earth time (Almost 100x that in Hell) someone new appears. Friend or Foe? Lover or Enemy? (This is a terrible summary) Warning: Defiantly will be a M/M story just letting you know now.

  • Bloody Petrova

    Atticus Petrova, the younger brother of Katerina Petrova. Strong and fearless where she is smart and cunning. Turned by his older sister during the Sanguis Lunae. With his older sister by his side. Will he Thrive in the Blood Moon's Haste? Til the End (Pairings will be added later)