

  • A History of Magic

    One of the modern age's most eminent magical historians, Bathilda Bagshot, sheds light on the storied history of witchcraft and wizardry in this new edition of her bestselling book. Professor Bagshot explores every aspect of magical history in this carefully-crafted and expertly-written tome perfect for the young witch or wizard.

  • 23 Cannons: The Victor's Compendium

    In the many, many years since the enactment of the Hunger Games, thousands of boys and girls have competed. Only a few have left alive. These symbols of bravery and sacrifice, dubbed victors, have inspired us all and will continue to inspire us for as long as this great country may exist. Here is the summary of every Hunger Games ever enacted upon the citizens of Panem.

  • Bread and Circuses: The Victors' Stories

    Twelve districts surround a shining Capitol. This is Panem, where each year twenty-four children are chosen by lottery to fight to the death. Here are the stories of all the children who entered the Hunger Games and lived to tell the tale. The victors who – by strength, stamina, or luck – made it out alive. This is "Bread and Circuses". Please tune in.