

  • Harry's First Word

    As the title says. A funny little ficlet about Harry's first word. And it isn't 'mama' or 'dada'.

  • Running On Ice

    Future fic. RonNeville slash. A year out of Hogwarts something happened to make Ron leave, six years later, he's back, and the War is still on.

  • Legend

    She is a warrior from another world, and now she must help fight the thing that destroyed her land before Voldemort takes over. Features Bill and Charlie Weasley, as well as the other Weasleys. Review.

  • Asassin

    COMPLETE Oh, my word... I've actually written this. I am shocked. Anyhow, my very first attempt at slash, so, please be nice. Rating for chara death. pairings: marcusoliver harrydraco

  • Hero

    *COMPLETE* Song-fic to 'Hero' by Enrique Inglesias. Marcus Flint is troubled about his life and dissapears. An OC goes after him. Rating for definite suggestions.

  • Daily Prophet Headlines

    *COMPLETE* A Daily Prophet article I wrote on a whim. Short. Basically about the end of the war and all that. May add others in the future. ^_^