

  • Maybe, Probably and Absolutely Not

    Canon Severus Snape is unhappy, bitter and cruel, but in this story, he gradually heals and comes to terms with past events. Is he a redeemed, nicer, cuddlier, friendlier Snape as a result? Well, yes (somewhat). This Snape faces up to his own mistakes, is more self-aware, has more fun and becomes a mentor to Harry Potter. Told in first person from Snape's POV in journal form.

  • Project Management for Beginners

    Harry had never really properly planned anything before. The fact that his first ever plan was risky and filled with assorted dangers was not actually deterring him as much as it should. This story explores how Harry's third year at Hogwarts might have played out differently if a little project management and an ambitious plan had been thrown into the mix.

  • Friday Night Film Fight

    A post-Hogwarts short story about Ron and Hermione's struggle to choose a film to watch one evening. Humour and general married couple bickering, mostly! The story is told almost entirely via dialogue.

  • Unable to let go

    Severus Snape has not been able to come to terms with having Harry Potter as a student at Hogwarts. When he gets the chance, he does something about it.