
  • Mouldy Shorts

    A collection of shorts and one-shots so old they have mould on them. Featuring tent love, elf hat knitting, Shell Cottage healing, the attic room at Grimmauld Place and other bits of random crap.

  • The Lost Horcrux

    AU Short. 5 years after Harry fakes his own death during the Battle of Hogwarts he returns to a dystopian nightmare world in the throes of Voldemort's dark grip, to rescue Hermione from her impending death and finally bring freedom and fulfill the Prophecy. Advisories: reference to spousal abuse, dark themes, The fucking Weasleys and other bad language. Usual Harmony bias.

  • A Paradox in Time

    Which came first - the past or the future? For Dumbledore, Sirius and the Potters in the 1980's, the answer isn't so clear. When a powerful Time Witch, on a mission to thwart a plot to destroy her past, enlists their help to preserve her future, a race begins to save not only the Potters and Sirius, but also the Harmonious life the Time Witch will build with the infant Potter's son

  • An Opus Alchymicum Vol 1: The Experimental Theologian's Apprentice

    Hermione Granger and her dæmon, Papageno, live content in Oxford, until a meeting with a woman named Lyra changes everything. Drawn to the aid of Harry Potter - a boy she's never met, but is destined to love - Hermione's adventure will take her on a perilous trek to the frozen North, to bears, witches and painful sacrifice, all to save the life of a lover promised by Dust itself.

  • The Mandela Effect

    It is said that when two universes collide, they can leave bruises on the other. The same can be said about a simple kiss. Caught under Christmas mistletoe, Harry and Hermione come away with the bruises of another life. The journey to heal will open up twenty years of old wounds.

  • Harmony At Home

    A collection of light, short stories following Harry and Hermione Potter and their family life at home with their two young daughters, baby son and their Kneazle kitten called Mimi. Celebrate Christmas and birthdays, welcome Grandma Granger and learn about where babies come from with your favourite non-canon compliant ship. No bashing, no deep plot, no endings. Just wholesome fun.

  • An Opus Alchymicum Vol 4: The Dæmon's Crucible

    Hogwarts Third Year dawns for Harry and Hermione, and as Voldemort and his Magisterium move to take total control of Dust, Dæmons and Magic, a murderer from Neville's past is sent to kill Lyra. As dangers rise, a great flood separates James and Lily from Harry's infant sister. Harry and Hermione must race to rescue her, but the Dark Materials following them are never far behind.

  • An Opus Alchymicum Vol 3: The Book of Dust

    When new DADA teacher Gilderoy Lockhart starts a sinister dream-diary project, it sparks terrifying attacks against the students. With Hermione under suspicion, and Voldemort pulling the strings from afar, Harry embarks on a dangerous quest to awaken his hidden dæmon and save her life, before his best friend loses her mind and soul to the power of the Dark Lord and his Magisterium

  • An Opus Alchymicum Vol 2: The Witch-Consul's Riddle

    Harry and Hermione arrive at Hogwarts and unite to uncover the plot focused on the magical school. The Potters now work for the Ministry, an exonerated Sirius joins with Lyra and Mal to chase Dark Forces in the wider world, but the power of the Magisterium runs deeper than they know. Dust, Destiny, and the power of Harmony all clash - in a battle to solve 'The Witch-Consul's Riddle

  • The Hogwarts Lonely Hearts Club

    The Triwizard Tournament sparks a surge of international magical co-operation, so when an inter-house Hogwarts penpal scheme is introduced during the Tournament, Harry Potter feels compelled to sign up. What he doesn't expect is that he and his penpal will be the only ones who know just who it is that they are telling their secrets to. Features Ravenclaw!Harry x Gryffindor!Hermione

  • The Mortal Cross

    In the far off future, where the steampunk world of mobile cities is dystopian and dangerous, two young aviators with a mysterious past leave the great Traction City of London to embark on an adventurous journey with their airship, The Jily Harmony. Unwitting pawns in a game of war, their only hope for a future is to unlock the arcane powers of their past. LATEST UPDATE IS CHAP 1!

  • A Paradox in Time

    Which came first - the past or the future? For Dumbledore, Sirius and the Potters in the 1980's, the answer isn't so clear. The Dark Lord's Vanquisher approaches, but Darkness itself will remain, unless they heed the mysterious advice given now to defeat it in the future, and ensure they all live Harmoniously ever after!

  • Harmony at Home

    A collection of light, short stories following Harry and Hermione Potter and their family home life. These stories are posted individually, but this is the home of the archived collection.

  • You Wouldn't Be You

    What if Harry had agreed to knit elf hats with Hermione that time in OotP? Would her look of disappointment have become something else? In this AU, Harry agrees to some alone time with Hermione, indulging her passion .. and soon they become more entangled than a ball of wool! Harmony One-shot.

  • One Down, Two Across

    Hermione comes up with an elaborate scheme to help Harry forget about Cho. Harmony one shot.

  • An Opus Alchymicum

    Hermione and her animal dæmon live content in Oxford, until a chance meeting with a woman named Lyra changes everything. Linked by destiny to a boy named Potter, their adventure takes them on a perilous journey to the frozen North, to witches and armoured bears, and into another world - the world of Hogwarts - and a boy starting his own journey that will forever change them both.

  • The Mortal Cross

    Harry and Hermione are aviators, travelling the Bird Roads on their airship The Jily Harmony. What adventures will they have? What Old-Tech will they dig up? And how will a chance discovery about Magic tie them to the world-changing events taking place aboard the Great Traction city of London? A Harry Potter/Mortal Engines Crossover.

  • The Back-Up Plan

    Harry wont leave the attic room at Grimmauld Place following the attack on Arthur Weasley. Dumbledore calls in the only person Harry will open up to. And if he wont? Well, she'll just have to use her Back-Up Plan.

  • We All Make Mistakes

    Harmony One-Shot. Six months after the end of the Second War, and Hermione has done some thinking. She has no future with Ron. Harry has already turned away from Ginny, and into the singles dating scene. The mistake they've both made is to not give in to each other. A meddlesome house-elf will see to it that some mistakes don't have to last forever.

  • One Is Never Enough

    AU One-Shot. Harry comforts Hermione at Shell Cottage after her torture by Bellatrix. Emotions surface and a new future emerges. A Harry/Hermione short story.