
  • Voldemort and the Toad

    Voldemort is busy infiltrating the Ministry when he catches sighy of Dolores Umbridge and falls in love. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to woo a lady. And how can it work out between them? HUMOR.

  • Death Eater Chat Room RePost

    So, my first copy of this story got deleted for some reason. So, Voldemort is very busy, so to save time, he decides to hold a Death Eater meeting through online chat instead of going to Headquarters. BIG mistake! Chaos and hilarity ensue as the Death Eaters use the internet for the first time in their lives!

  • A Death Eater Christmas Party

    After the latest failed attempt on Harry Potter's life, the Death Eaters aren't in a good mood. So Wormtail gets an idea. What better morale booster than a Christmas Party? Read on to find out JUST how wrong he is!

  • Interview With Bellatrix Lestrange

    Rita Skeeter conducts an interview with Bellatrix Lestrange. Humor, please read and review!