Lux Aeterna714

  • The Boy Vampire Slayer

    Arthur Kirkland, a young Watcher, has to help his (for some reason male) Slayer save their small town from an ancient and powerful vampire bent on ruling a new world of his creation with the help of some strange characters. Edit: The nonexistence of a plot has made things difficult and so i won't be continuing, at least for a while, gonna start a new story though.

  • Lost Rose

    She had been pulled away from everything she had known. She had been ripped from the one person she had loved most.

  • The Unstable Woods

    Cinderpelt was in the woods at night to think for a while. She goes from mourning her unrequited love to swimming through the memories of her guilt.

  • American Tragedy

    September 11th, 2001 was meant to be a lazy day for England. It was not meant to be a day of loss and tragedy and unforgivable wasn't supposed to be such a terrible day. But perhaps there was still something good to reach for. (Rated T for slight swearing and a sensitive topic matter)

  • Hogwarts AU Drabbles

    A variety of stories about various relationships from various shows, all set in a peaceful (sort of), wacky Hogwarts AU, where all of your favorite characters are in their houses and the learning the tricks of the magic trade! (Will be much swearing, male/male or female/female relationships (nothing explicit) and most of all, no real plot arc or anything of the like!

  • Okay

    I am Hazel Grace Lancaster, 18 years old, and I am finally dying.

  • Hold Me Close So I Don't Get Lost

    A war has been going on and Buffy wants nothing to do with it. Faith on the other hand, does. And that desire may destroy them both.

  • Useless Legs

    Briarpaw could only sit and watch as the cats walked past her nest and actually helped out. All she could do was sit by and be a cripple. Not a warrior. (T because of Briarpaw's semi-suicidal thoughts)

  • Loss

    He knew he shouldn't bring them. But he did. He always did. And he always will.