
  • Friction

    ‘No doubt you prefer anorexic women, whose daily subsistence is nothing but salad, so that they can swoon in your arms’ she said frostily. ‘Oh I don’t see you doing that anytime soon Miss Granger, for one thing you would be quite a leaden weight.’ SS HG

  • Comfortably Numb

    She longed for that moment when she would stop feeling in every sense, no pain, no warmth, no desire, no hurt…………..she ached for it, for she wanted to drown. Some would call it unrequited love. SS HG one shot.

  • A Cliched Beginning and End!

    Why read numerous bad fanfics when this one has all the same elements. A complete parody of all the awful cliches that one encounters..............

  • Raw and Bleeding

    She longed for him to see her for who she was.... a woman. But he always kept his distance. One tender moment between them just might change it all. SSHG one shot. Companion piece to 'November Rain'.

  • November Rain

    She longed for his touch, the velvety caress of his voice. She ached for him, she burned. But he was out of reach. An SSHG oneshot. Disregarding HBP.

  • Reflections

    With a cigarette between his lips, Snape reflects on how his life might have turned out, had he made different choices. Oneshot. Post HBP.

  • Forsaken

    As Snape watches over an unconscious Draco, he contemplates the fact that he actually cares about the boy. A tender moment ensues between him and the boy and he's faced with a startling realization. oneshot.

  • Passion becomes You

    Having grown up with 6 overprotective older brothers, Ginny has never known what it's like to be a woman, until she's accosted by a shirtless Draco. Suddenly she has difficulties hiding her deepest desires from him.

  • Percy and Prejudice

    (Percy's reply)Hermione sends a scathing letter to Percy in reply to the one he sent Ron congratulating him on becoming prefect. She tells him exactly what she thinks of him i.e egoistical,pompous,jerk,git and many more...or rather writes it. one-shot

  • The best of Severus Snape

    What happens when Snape drinks caffein with candy? He becomes a sauve ladies man, asking one out to a midnight rendezvous, conjuring a rose for another. Classes will henceforth be held in the gardens, and Snape begins to foxtrot as a pre class warm up!

  • Lily

    What made Snape the bitter, hard, cynical man that he is? Maybe a letter written by him to Lily upon hearing of her death, will give us some insight? one-shot fic.

  • Prickly as Percy

    Penelope was sure that beneath the pompous self-important Percy Weasely, was a passionate young man! She was going to do whatever it took to get the real Percy out, including rousing the famous Weasely temper! one-shot