(Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou x Nihijou) The story revolves around the daily lives of these high school kids, the antics they get themselves into, and also the romance that sparks.
"Asuna is gone. Kirito has lost all meaning to his life. But Suguha is there to light up his life once more. A sibling relationship turns into something much more. Love. What will happen to these two now?" KazutoxSuguha / KiritoxLeafa. (Fanfic rewrite! The link to the original story will be in the introduction. UPDATE:Increasing the rating to M for the OCCASIONAL Lemon scenes. )
Koiwai and Fuuka can't seem to go to sleep. So they decide to share a drink of milk to hopefully help them get to sleep. But then one thing leads to the other, problems arise and are solved. (KoiwaixFuuka)