
  • The Duty of a Cousland

    This is the tale of the unflappable Elethea Cousland ... well, mostly unflappable. Some bits of canon sprinkled sparsely around this AU, but not much more than the basics. For example, Duncan survives Ostagar while Elle goes through an emotional crisis in Denerim. Kinda the Blight from the sidelines. ;) A few character deaths. All belongs to BioWare.

  • What Could Go Wrong?

    Continuation with Inquisition! What if the Archdemon's essence lived on because a non-warden killed it? What if Alistair exiled himself to the wardens in Jader...and then was made Ferelden's Commander of the Grey? Now, he's the King of Ferelden, in a world gone crazy. An AU in the Dragon Age worlds. All belongs to BioWare. I only play in their dollhouse.

  • The Waiting Room

    Long ago, my spouse gave me a comic which depicted a man telling his author wife, "I know they're your creations, but how can we possibly afford to feed them all!" I noticed that comic this morning and this little drabble came from it. All belongs to BioWare, I'm just a pansy wordsmith that plays on their swing set.