

  • Resuscitate

    A Marble Hornets fic: It's been two years since Tim uploaded Entry 87 and left Alabama. He hasn't had an incident since, and believes it's all behind him for good. Then one night he receives a frantic call from someone he was sure had been killed almost three years ago: Jay.

  • Along Cornfields and the Brandywine

    For Frodo Baggins, growing up with his cousin Merry in Brandy Hall can be difficult, especially when he's often known as nothing more than that "troublesome Baggins." But when an accident causes him to meet a strange human who calls himself a Ranger, things start to get a bit more exciting – and dangerous – for the young hobbit.

  • Missing

    A Marble Hornets fic: Part of my "Resuscitate" AU universe. It's been a few months since the ending of "Resuscitate," and Tim and Jay are traveling throughout the south, searching for other victims to help. Then one night, Tim gets a call from Becky. May's missing. And they both know who - or what - is responsible...

  • Copper

    A Marble Hornets fic: He can't believe Alex *shot* him. He's sitting on the ground of Benedict Hall, pressing his hand to his side, and he knows he's got no where to go. But then someone comes. Someone he wasn't expecting. "...Tim?"

  • When the Steadfast Fight

    Alternate ending to Jeepers Creepers: The Creepers flies off with Darry, but Trish isn't about to just sit and let Jezelle's vision come true. She's going after her brother and she's going to save him.

  • Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole

    A Marble Hornets fic: It's a long drive when running away from faceless freaks and murder-happy people you used to be friends with. And Jay and Tim don't always see eye to eye when it comes to the choice of music being played.