Dead Wolf Walking

  • Note

    First of, I'm alive. Second, I'm alive. Third, I'm not dead. Fourth, go on! Waste your time by reading this summary. Fifth, I'm accepted to the military school. Sixth, yay for me! Seventh, Thanks to you. Eighth, Not really. Nine, but seriously thanks. Tenth, I'm back! Yippee-K-Yay! P.S. I'm putting this in A&O category cause I'm currently only writing A&O P.P.S. I'm not dead yet!

  • Winter Fall

    When you think all is fine, things could just go worse. You you said all is fine, lies could just go worse. But when certain thing is pronounced at its best, things couldn't just go any worse. Possibilities exists, everything is possible. "Careful what you think, careful what you hear. Understand it right, or everything you know will become untrustworthy"