Lord of Admirals

  • Shooter Effect

    White Rock Shooter survived and bided her time for the time to rise. She waited for one unsuspecting hiker to walk into her ship for her to make the hiker the new White Rock Shooter. With the new WRS in place, she'll destroy mankind just for the hell of it, cure WRS's races problems, travel to the stars, grow an empire, start wars, and teach a galactic government a lesson in war.

  • Stellar Core Empire

    Why didn't no one tell me that creating an Inter-Dimensional Empire takes years to make. I had to experiment and develop advance technology that seems Un-obtainable. I had to spent many years teaching and raising children to help me rule. I had to spend years of my life in creating an Empire, and now I have to deal with the universe trying to destroy it. Let's get this over with.

  • Overlord of Conquest

    Being an Overlord seems easy enough when I became one after I destroyed my old world. Conquer this, Destroy that, Enslave them, but no one told me I have to do this gig until I die, which is until someone kills me. I guess I could go to other worlds, conquer them, and move on to other worlds until I rule a galaxy, I hope. How hard could it be?