Psycho-Eff KittyKat589

  • Disgruntled school

    Harry is a pimp, Draco is molested(he's not complaining),Longbottom has a sick infatuaition,Voldie has 2 little girls,Scary Russians! ,and mucho knocked upness, Warning- sheer insanity ahead, and some stuff not for little ppl

  • Multiple Personalities

    Have you ever noticed that there are a bunch of different Dracos, Harrys, Hermiones and such? We have! So we decided to put the characters out of their schizophrenic misery.. their alter egos shall battle it out.. Celebrity Death Match style! Every chapte

  • Color my war

    Hogwarts hosts a color war! The Slytherins will do anything to win, and Hermione is underappreicated. With Lucilla and Keeran Slytherin has a chance! PG-13 now I don't know what the future holds Warning- VERY pro Slytherin with stripping Draco