
  • Desert Song

    A mission to raid a hydra base leaves a cold-blooded Spider with heatstroke and a worried father-figure.

  • Red Booth Seats, Checkered Tiles, & Neon Lights

    "You've had worse, you'll be ok," Though after looking into the glassy eyes of the boy he was cradling and the deep red blood surrounding him, he knew it was over.

  • The Fall

    The boy plummeted toward the ground. If it weren't for the shrill shriek Peter let out, Tony would've assumed he died before he even hit the ground.

  • Glass

    An untreated wound and unresolved conflict between a mentor and his mentee leads to a long night for one tired Steve Rogers.

  • My Time

    Black ooze trailed from Peter's eyes. The boy was sporting a snarl as his fists clenched. Tony could've sworn his eyes flashed black each time the alarm blared. On the other side of the room, Tony stood with his repulsor raised toward the kid, his kid. Only one thought raced through his mind. How had they come to this?

  • Desert Song

    A mission to raid a hydra base leaves everyone's favorite cold-blooded Spider with heatstroke and a worried father-figure.