
  • Weathered

    This is a songfic that describes perfectly (my opinion) what Harry feels like. What he thinks. The lyrics are from Creed’s song Weathered. I wanted to do one to Pearl Jams’ (yeah Baby!) Jeremy, but I couldn’t think of anything so . . . enjoy!!

  • Restless Life

    Hey you guys!! This chapter actually has Sirius in it. I updated , and the chapter is long. Kinda a tearjerker for really sensitive people. Please review. THANKS!!

  • Blooded Hands

    Just read. It's hard to explain really. And please review. Seriously, I get very happy when I get a (good) review, and I will be VERY HAPPY IF YOU DO!!

  • Running Thoughts (recently called Falling)

    Oh Lord!! Why couldn't I fight it? He's gone. HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!!" This is sad (or supposed to be) and is my first fic. Please review. PLEASE!! I"M DYING HERE!!