
  • STAGE 4

    Based in Everywhere at the End of Time and Everywhere at The End of Funk. "He was diagnosed with dementia," that's what he'd been told. Pico tries to make Boyfriend remember him. Pico and Boyfriend's past relationship is suggested. One-shot completed. Spanish version on my profile/Versión en Español en mi perfil. Cover credits to distorted-vive on Tumblr.

  • FASE 4

    Basado en Everywhere at the End of Time y Everywhere at the End of Funk. "Le diagnosticaron demencia", eso le dijeron. Pico trata de hacer que Boyfriend lo recuerde. Se sugiere la relación pasada de Pico y Boyfriend. One-shot completo. English version on my profile/Versión en inglés en mi perfil. Créditos por el fanart de la portada a distorted-vive en Tumblr.