
  • Child Regenerative

    October, 1944. An invasion of extraterrestrial fauna has stalled the war in Europe. A civilian child, unable to escape a war-torn city, expects to die... until he awakens Mutant powers

  • Breathmonger

    To earn the favor of Odium, I must offer him a service no one else can provide. After centuries of amassing Biochromatic Breath, I am prepared to make my case.

  • SCP-5957: The Thousand Legs

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5957 is to be propped open on a table in a standard containment chamber with a live feed camera trained on its interior, except during testing. Research Priorities: Determine if SCP-5957-A possesses Thaumiel-class utility with other SCP's, perhaps of a technological or entomological nature.

  • Omega Fleet

    The Emperor is dead. His Empire has splintered. Moffs and Warlords squabble over territory, wielding fleets powerful enough to threaten Galactic Freedom. To counter them, an eccentric Duke offers his private fleet to the New Republic. Their purpose: To hunt Star Destroyers.