
  • The Mandalorian Rewrite: Deathwatch v Boba Fett

    A rewrite of the Catinna scene from the Mandalorian season 2, where Boba inherited his father's hatred of Deathwatch.

  • The Song of the Bastard Wolf and the Dragon Princess

    Jon Snow would not be the first to be both the blood of the Kings of Winter and the Dragonlords, or even be the first to bear the name Jon Snow. Nearly 150 years before the War of the Five Kings and War for the Dawn there was another Jon Snow, one who much like his namesake was hungry for glory and honor. A sad tale of chivalry & glory, of love & friendship, and death & betrayal.

  • Tales of the Conqueror: Jon Snow, the Awakening

    The Conqueror's or Spirit of Kings is extremely rare and denotes those chosen by the gods who are destined to be true heroes, conquerors, kings, and queens. It is most commonly found in the bloodlines of the Great families who had been Kings in their own right, but still exceptionally rare. It most often awakens in moments of extreme stress where life and death intersect.

  • The Song of Councils and King

    What if the Stag Lord and Dragon Prince had slain each other on the waters of the Trident. When the realm the is plagued by the chaos of war, murder, and treachery; who will sit the Iron Throne? Will it be the besieged younger Stag, the Dragon Prince unsure of his path, the dragon of the son, or the one whose song is of Ice and Fire.

  • The Meeting of the Conquering Wolf and Dragon

    A Crackfic/rewrite of the scene where Jon and Daenerys meet for the first time. Both characters are more line with their earlier and book depictions and have haki from One Piece

  • Tales of the Conqueror: Sansa

    The Conqueror's or Spirit of Kings is extremely rare and denotes those chosen by the gods who are fated to be conquerors, kings, and queens. It is most often found in the bloodlines of the Great Houses who had been Kings in their own right, but still exceptionally rare. It most often awakens in moments of extreme stress. Now a naive girl shall take the first step into her true fate