
  • Harry Potter and the House of Caeleon

    Two very small, insignificant words: What and If. 'He did What' 'If only I could'. On their own, they don't really stand out, but, put together: What if...'What if a curious Muggle-born asked the Goblins a Question' or, 'What if Petunia Dursley and Lily Potter reconnected before the younger died'

  • Collard Dove

    In a world where there are only three types of people - Master, Pet and Outsider - the Dursley's abuse forces Harry's Magic to trigger an early inheritance...

  • Syphon's Tails

    It is well-known that Dragons live long lives. And, as with all Creatures, some Dragons are more curious than others. So, if you are sitting comfortably, and have time for a (by dragon years) youngling's rambles, then Syphon will begin...

  • Uzumaki Naruto: Secret Keeper

    Every Ninja Village has its secrets. Some are small, of little to no importance in the Grand Scheme of Things. But others, can be vital to the Village's Survival. Every Ninja Village has its secrets; and every secret has a timer...

  • Magical Mayhem

    Everyone knows the stories. About the Golden Kingdom of Camelot, Her Just King Arthur, and his Wondrous Magician, Merlin. There are many renditions of this beloved tale, and yet, there are still Questions. 'What if Arthur had met the dragon first' for example...