
  • Parallel Lines

    "To him, everything is a joke or a punchline yet to be told and he laughs at nearly anything to get a rise out of his opponents. In fact, everything about him is impossibly aggravating." Toadette just wants to work on her kart in peace. One Koopa is determined to ruin that.

  • Playlist

    Every moment in their lives plays a different melody. (A collection of stories mostly about the Koopalings)

  • Freaking Me Out

    "If you keep growing…" Another anguished sigh expels from her frowning mouth. "How am I going to kiss you?"

  • Starlight

    He's been bruised and beaten down. He's broken bones and survived nearly fatal injuries, but pain like this hurt more than clutching bleeding wounds between clenched fingers. He hates how familiar this feeling is to him.

  • Drown

    Sometimes you need a hand to keep you afloat or—in dire situations—alive. (P.S. There's two swears, but it's not bad.)