
  • The Captain's Bride

    Christine Daaé vaguely remembered the boy that had worked in the stables. The boy that had been in love with her. But she'd been too innocent at the time, too judgemental. She'd wanted nothing to do with him. Why would she have? As a princess, she'd had much better prospects. That had been years ago. Now she regretted treating him the way she did. ( Full Summary within)

  • Unpaid Debts

    When Gustave Daae decided to settle down and give his daughter Christine a semi-normal life, he needed a little help paying for their home. He was directed to the infamous Erik Arquette after failing to get the loans he applied for. The gang leader was more than willing to cover the rest of the cost. Years later, Gustave had forgotten all about his debts. Full summary within.

  • Happy Family?

    Christine and Erik had been married for three years when she becomes pregnant with twins. They'd be happy if it weren't for the fact that it's a high risk pregnancy. Can their marriage survive this? Hell, will Christine survive this? Modern, Kay based fic.

  • No Easy Choices

    When Raoul learns that he can't provide the family that Christine so desperately wants, their marriage begins to crumble. In a last ditch effort to save it, he sends her back to the Phantom for a night in the hopes that he will be more successful. The man would clearly go to great lengths for her, so it was unlikely that he'd deny her this opportunity.

  • Rather be Numb

    When Christine and Raoul had first asked Erik to be their third, he couldn't have been happier. Everything had gone so well between the three of them, but that all changed after four years of almost nothing but bliss. Arguments never dragged on and they really seemed to love him in return. It was something he often marveled at when he had the chance. But something changed. Modern.

  • Undeniable

    Leaving isn't as easy as he had hoped it would be. How can it be when she's aware and unwilling to let him continue making choices for her? Mostly ALW Based with both Kay and Leroux thrown in.

  • Of Phantoms and Vicomtes

    Christine can only watch in horror as her angel falls, and though she manages to find her voice, her fiancé doesn't listen. If she wasn't torn before, she definitely is now. She can't just let the Phantom die, the feelings that he stirs in her will not allow her to. But she's already given Raoul her word.

  • All I've Ever Wanted

    After a night with her boyfriend, Meg's life crumbles. She and Christine had drifted apart after they graduated, but what happens when she's the only person she can rely on? Old feelings are reignited and feelings that have been ignored must be acknowledged. Modern AU

  • Midnight Desires

    Christine has just been proposed to by her long time boyfriend, Raoul. She's not sure what she wants , feeling like she should commit to him but unsure if she wants to. Their relationship had grown boring and it lacked the passion they once had - something she sorely felt was important. It didn't help that things could spiral into nasty fights pretty often. Modern AU

  • Life Eternal

    Erik and Christine have been together for a few years and they couldn't be happier- something that was a major surprise to the man himself. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes when Christine becomes terminally ill. He won't lose her. He can't. There was a reason he always felt so cold to the touch. Being a vampire has its perks and he acts upon impulse.

  • Midlife Crisis

    Erik has always been aware of the ten year age gap between himself and Christine but he never worried about it much. They were both consenting adults so it wasn't a big deal. But that was before he started experiencing chest pains of varying levels of intensity. Rather than do the rational thing and admit it, he spirals and goes out of his way to behave differently.

  • Dramatics and Misunderstandings

    Christine and Erik have been dating for years without her seeing his face. For four years to be exact. On their anniversary, Erik decides it's finally time for him to show her his face. Unfortunately, Christine is sick and her boss has been overworking her for the last couple of weeks. Exhausted as she is, she doesn't want to ruin their night. Modern, full summary inside.

  • Eternal Flame

    Perhaps he simply wasn't meant to have happiness. Why else would it have taken such a horrible turn? One would've thought he would've learned his lesson at this point. Mostly Kay/ALW based.

  • Midlife Crisis

    Erik has always been aware of the ten year age gap between himself and Christine but he never worried about it much. They were both consenting adults so it wasn't a big deal. But that was before he started experiencing chest pains of varying levels of intensity. Rather than do the rational thing and admit it, he spirals and goes out of his way to behave differently and hide it .

  • Tale as old as time?

    Was everything really worth it if things had barely changed? My take on the classic Beauty and the beast E/C AU.