TroutyMouth 8-0

  • Fondue for you

    Our narrator, Jamie, watches Santana and Brittany's days through Brittany's Youtube channel, FondueForTwo. She's obsesses with the cutest Youtube couple ever, and she's not sure why. Brittana, Youtube, Glee, You get to see a fresh perspective on the perfect story of Brittana that you've heard a million times.

  • The Danger will Never End

    One fateful afternoon, the crew find Mike missing. They hunt him down and discover that he is back at Hawkins Lab, and he's under the influence that tamper with him mind, and erase any remorse he could feel. He's just as powerful- maybe more powerful, then Eleven herself.


    Fast forward many years, Santana and Brittany are happily married, living in California with their happy baby boys, and their teenage daughter, who is going through some things of her own... Brittana future, brittana family, brittana daughter, SUPER CUTE

  • When a Glee Club goes virtual

    Will Shuester assigns New Directions to come up with a virtual setlist on a group chat he made(and was kicked out of), since they are in a pandemic, but not much planning goes on. Glee Club, New Directions, Texting, Covid, Quarantine