

  • Can I Take Your Order?

    Addison has never had a junior chicken before. Meredith helps.

  • Stolen Dance

    "I want you by my side / So that I'll never feel alone again" -Milky Chance

  • (It's Not) The End of Everything

    In which Meredith and Addison grapple with a vacation in Los Angeles together after dating long-distance for quite some time.

  • Wrecked

    Meredith and Addison continue their relationship long-distance after Addison's moved to Los Angeles for work, and Meredith is continuing her residency in Seattle. These are their letters.

  • Berries and Cherries (So Red as Any Blood)

    Addison has been wearing her new berry (or cherry?) lipstick again, and it looks very good on her. No, scratch that, it looks freaking amazing on her, and Meredith has been staring at the redhead's lips on and off again for the entire evening.

  • Love Came Down at Christmas

    Christmas is chaotic as ever at the Montgomery-Grey household.

  • Four (more, more, more)!

    What happens when Carina DeLuca & Maya Bishop begin flirting with Meredith Grey & Addison Montgomery?

  • Diamonds

    You dream of glitter and gold My heart's already been sold -Sam Smith

  • Wake Me Up When September Ends

    Summer has come and past. The innocent can never last. Wake me up when September ends