Starless echoes

  • The Empress (Part 2)

    Now that tragedy has struck the Valley of Peace, Tigress finds herself alone, without her family. How could this have happened? But when Tigress begins to think of new ways to protect the sanctity of life and love, she begins to consider alternative methods of keeping people safe from harm. Perhaps it's time for a more forward form of thinking... (Also featuring Frozenwolfheart22!)

  • You're My Home

    After Tigress and Po have to go on two separate missions, they both find themselves wishing that they weren't so far apart. (One-shot, takes place after KFP 3)

  • Supper's Ready

    Tigress' time is finally up, her mission accomplished. But before she can be reunited with Po and her loved ones, she must face the fears that have plagued her all of her life. In order to conquer them, the Spirit Realm has... fun ways of manifesting her fears into something she can touch, but also into things that can touch her back...

  • Going Back

    They say that classics never go out of style. Well, I'm here today to tell you that that saying is totally, 100% true. Come, dear reader, and let's go back and revisit some of those classics. But, since posting other writer's pieces under my name is against the site's rules, why don't I put my own little spin on them ;)

  • Us

    What if Tigress had never been taken from the Bao-Gu Orphanage by Shifu? What if she was left there until she was too old to stay? What if they sent her to a brutal, abusive mental institute for her "own safety?" And what if her roommate there, an innocent, lovable panda named Po, was there to completely change her life? What if...

  • 2112

    Welcome to the future, where everything is perfect and just. Or so it would seem. Po Ping is a simple farm boy living with his goose father, content to live his farmer's life until he dies, never questioning the rules, until he sees something he's not supposed to. Or someone. Little does he know that he's about to discover what the universe is really like.

  • If I Only Had The Words To Tell You

    A few days before the Winter Festival, Po is helping his dads prepare for the crowd of customers that will all want good food. But maybe his dads will end up helping him more that he's helping them... (One-shot, takes place after KFP 3. Merry Christmas!)

  • The Truth Shall Set You Free (Cancelled)

    After Po has found his father and fellow pandas, Tigress can't help but wonder where she came from, and who her parents were. Unbeknownst to her, events are in motion that will put thousands of innocent lives in danger. Stirring over decades, these events will finally reach a climax as Tigress will be forced to come face-to-face with with the good and evil of her past.

  • Follow You Follow Me

    By the light of a dying candle, someone is up late, very late, trying to get their thoughts down for later... (one-shot, takes place in between KFP 2 and 3).