• Redshore Crime Story: The People v Jimmy Crystal

    A Multi-Part Prelude to the Moon Family. Rated T for angst, violence, language, and mentions of murder and attempted murder.

  • A Legal Analysis of the Actions of Buster Moon

    Inspired by Ahdoss's story "Operation: Moonfall."

  • Poor Little Rich Girl

    "What If Porsha wasn't the brash, selfish girl we first met...But the exact opposite?" A What If? scenario I have been mulling over for sometime. A slight retelling of Porsha's story from the movie. Plenty of Suki and Buster being parents to Porsha. Rated T for angst and mentions of abuse.

  • Poor Little Rich Girl (REVAMPED!)

    Extended version of original story I did while bored on hiatus. Took down temporarily to make a few adjustments. Will be posted daily over the next five days.

  • Poor Little Rich Girl (REVAMPED!)

    So I got bored on hiatus and decided to do a bit of tweaking on PLRG. Hope you all enjoy it!

  • My Name is Moon

    Porsha faces one of the hardest moments of her life. Part 7 of "The Moon Family."

  • Dynamite

    After some gentle ribbing get's out of hand, Nooshy learns something new about Porsha. Continuation of "The Moon Family."

  • Truth in Conspiracies

    With the aid of his General, Captain, and Secret Lover, Fives is able to warn the Galaxy about Order 66. But in the fallout, our heroes will come to face greater trials and tribulations as they take on a galaxy bent on tearing itself apart. (On Temporary Hiatus)

  • So Excited

    Buster and Suki are excited. For What? Read to find out. Continuation of the Moon Family series. rated T for mentions of death and minor adult themes. Buster/Suki with a splash of Jooshy thrown in.

  • Sons of Erin (Easter Edition)

    Compilation of Original Story re-posted for Easter.

  • Mom

    What if Suki took Porsha Home?

  • The Unthinkable (110th Anniversary Edition)

    A Special Version of my original story for the 110th anniversary of the Titanic Disaster. Rated T, rating will change to M for Adult Themes later on.

  • His Daughter

    "Hey…Love Ya Baby Girl." "Love you too Daddy." And as Porsha went about her business, Buster just stood in silence, his mind reeling at the thought that that wolf, that innocent child…Was now his Daughter. "Yeah," he thought to himself with a smile, "I can get used to this." Part two of my series "The Moon Family." takes place after "She'll Be Alright."

  • She'll Be Alright

    "At that moment, Buster swore to himself that he would be the father Porsha deserved. And at that same moment, Porsha knew…she would be alright." Part 1 of a longer series. Father/Daughter Buster and Porsha, and slow-burn Buster/Suki.

  • Swinging By Jasper

    Come join the natives of the town of Jasper in some steamy misadventures, with harebrained shenanigans mixed in. (Warning, this story contains male/male pairings: Read at your own risk.)

  • A Messgae From Sam

    This will be removed in 24 hours.

  • Homeward Bound (Now w chapter from Homstead)

    A wolf driven from his home finds himself drawn into a series of adventures that teaches him the true values of Love, Friendship, and Redemption. (A compilation of "A Howliday of Love, (HoL)" "The Dark Wolf by Dax0042 (DW)," "Home," "Remember the Past, Live for the Future (Past & Future)," and Homestead (HS). Rated M for Blood, Violence, Death, Angst and Sexual Themes.

  • Sons of Erin

    Sequel to "The Unthinkable." It is 1916. The Great War rages in Europe. Allied shipping is under attack by the deadly U-Boat. And in Ireland, two friends, their bond strengthened by tragedy, find themselves in a struggle that not only puts rift in the lives of their people, but their friendship as well. (Anthro Story) (Rated M for Violence, Gore and Adult Themes.)

  • Homestead

    Washed away during a massive storm, Sam, Liam and Sweets find themselves seeking the aid of a wolf from Sam's past. On their journey home, Liam gathers the courage to confess a very personal revelation to his father.