
  • Seducing the Butterfly

    After his first tutoring session didn't work because Nino gave him a sleeping pill, Fuutarou decided to call the girl on the school's rooftop to punish her and tell her that he wanted to teach only her. She caught particularly his interest, triggering also his real side. So he intends to seduce her and make her his for good fufu.

  • Mini's Master

    While working on the campaign for Chizuru's movie, Kazuya hears the girl saying bad things about him on the phone with another person, adding that she will never become his girlfriend. Such words caused the boy's heart to shatter in pieces, but there is a girl that likes him for real and she wants him as her boyfriend and Master fufu.

  • Two Hearts

    AU: Fuutarou didn't expect to meet a group of quintuplets as his new students, as he certainly didn't expect the second oldest one of them to have already a liking to him already. Being used to deal with twins, he doesn't have too many problems in telling the quints apart, but in which funny situations will he end up while tutoring them? Or will it be Nino the cause of them?

  • 5 Beautiful Sisters

    AU: Following Fuutarou's meeting with the quints and Rena's death, it was Isanari and his wife to adopt the 5 sisters. In this way the quints have Fuutarou as their brother that is always there for them, but they seem to feel something more special for him, and his parents even encourage him to marry them in the future. Which shenanigans will Fuutarou encounter in such situation?

  • Itsuki's Darling

    During the end of a school day, our favorite tutor finds a particular diary belonging to Itsuki, and to his shock, he finds out about what she really feels for him. The situation gets more complicated when she appears and confesses to him, telling him that she will do her best to make him fall for her. Because she's her dear Darling.

  • A Cute Masochist

    Keiki Kiryuu has always desired to have a girlfriend, as he doesn't want to remain single for all his student's life. Things start to change after he received an anonymous love letter from a girl, but it seems that his dear senpai likes him very much too and wants him to be her Koshijin-sama. And maybe, he feels a certain way about her too.

  • Happy with You

    AU: Instead of renting Chizuru, Kazuya rented Sumi Sakurasawa, making acquaintance with a shy and sweet girl that seemed to have a great liking to him during their first rental date. The girl also stated before his family that she's his girlfriend and the boy considered the possibility that they could become a couple. But will it be easy with other girls appearing in Kazuya's life?

  • Love and Obsession

    When Nino sees Fuutarou's old photo, instead of lying, the boy tells the butterfly ribbons girl about his past, opening himself up to her. This makes Nino understand him better and feel a connection with him, developing an interest for the boy. But such interest could become something more particular that will change their lives deeply.

  • The Heroic Delinquent

    During the school trip, Fuutarou and Nino fell from the cliff with him losing his blond wig, which allowed her to see his true identity. Fuutarou managed to save both of them, but he took the brunt of the fall. Nino breaks down, and with some help she manages to get him cured. How will this event change their relationship?

  • An Amazing Tutor

    AU: Fuutarou's dad is dead, so he became the man of the house to take care of Raiha and his mom. How will be his personality? How will this affect his interaction with the quints? Let's find it out!

  • A Better Man

    After Nino said those words to Fuutarou, our tutor feels a feeling of failure and defeat that starts to haunt him until a certain meeting with a certain entity will bring him to a process of change. How will this affect the young man? Will he be able to help the 5 sisters in a better way than he has done until now? Let's find out!

  • A Tutor as Bodyguard

    AU: It was only Miku to transfer at Asahiyama, as the poor girl has been constantly tormented at Kurobara by some bullies. In her new school, she will meet a young blond man that will be her personal tutor and bodyguard. While passing the time together, she will develop some feelings for him, but what could happen when also one of her sisters likes him very much?

  • Wings of Silver

    A QQxSaint Seiya crossover: The demonic creatures from Hell always attacked humans for years, bringing pain and death. But between the humans, there were some of them capable of incredible abilities: the Saints. After losing someone precious and refusing to let other innocents to die, Uesugi Fuutarou will become him too a warrior to protect his beloved ones and his city.