

  • Cardinal Sins

    Richelieu sends the Red Guard to kill Aramis for his indiscretion. Luckily they don't succeed. The musketeers find a healer living on the edge of the woods to help him. Little do they know, the healer is not human and they get pulled into the devil's dealings.

  • The Return of Zemo

    Super Soldier serum is a commodity everyone wants. With Nagel dead and the remaining vials smashed most people believe the formula is lost but Nick Fury knows better. And Zemo has escaped his cell and is nowhere to be found. Among Fury's assets is therapist Alex Duchene, now assigned to Bucky to help him deal with his years of trauma as well as keep him from going off the grid.

  • The Secret Society

    You aren't just given a really nice house on acres of wooded property; like everyone else Steve Kemp had to earn it. Although he didn't know it, he was being watched from the time he was nineteen. They were just waiting for the right time to approach him. With some structure in place, maybe he wouldn't and maybe he could satisfy his own desires and theirs. reviews welcome

  • 10 Words (A Winter Soldier Story)

    This fic is a request from iabsolutelylovekong. The Winter Soldier is back thanks to some help from Zemo. Can Bucky learn to conquer those ten words before too much damage is done, or will the legendary Hydra assassin return for good?