
  • Can the Tatsuta River Color Fade?

    People are supposed to be happy after achieving their dreams. That is not the case with Chihaya Ayase. She was feeling more miserable by the day. Many offered comfort, she accepts willingly and is always grateful. However, she remained waiting and wanting from a source that seems to be drifting away. Like her offensive karuta, should she desperately chase after it? (Tachihaya)

  • Our Options

    Sasuke is living the dream of being a Rockstar musician after graduating from Business School. Sakura is on her final year of college venturing soon to an internship then residency. Their aspirations brought them to different paths and it was fine. They can both live with that. Can they really? Or should they explore further options? (AU modern day adult SasuSaku)

  • Confronting Fading Feelings

    The flashing strobe lights were hurting Taichi's eyes. The blaring music inside the club was damaging his eardrums. Shouldn't she be the one suffering more with all these noises? Why is he still a sucker for her after all these years?

  • The First Day

    Chihaya and Taichi have a long history together. Who might have known? Since the beginning, their bond has always been about acceptance.


    Ryoma experienced the top and is now coming down. Sakuno finally realized her strength and is heading up. Will they assist each other for a new climax or both slip tumbling down? Or worse pass by each other, never looking back.

  • Beyond the Tatami

    What happens to Chihayafuru if a timeskip will occur? The trio managed to achieve their goals and move forward in life. And there seems to be a sweet addition in their lives.