
  • The Digital Paladin

    Three years have passed since the digidestined saved the Digital World from ruin, leaving a reborn world bereft of the scars of before in their wake. But an unblemished world, like an unblemished heart cannot avoid strife, and when a new enemy arises, intent to shape the world into a distorted state, it will fall to a new set of digidestined to come to its aid once more. 02 AU

  • Family is Where Love Rings the Loudest

    For the five daughters of the Loud house every day is filled with chaos, hilarity, and an undeniable sense of love. So when their parents announce that they are bringing a boy who needs a loving home into their house, the sisters are left shocked and cautiously excited by the news. But when they see the sad state the boy is in, they make an oath to care for him, as family ought to

  • The Importance of Making Amends

    Everyone has bad days; days that leave them feeling bitter and resentful towards the world and themselves. If one is lucky, they're able to shed those feelings either by outside support or self reflection. If one is not so lucky, they can end up lashing out at someone they care about in an attempt to pass the hurt elsewhere, as Luan Loud finds herself guilty of. Wholesomeverse

  • Birthdays Are Meant to Celebrate You

    On the 12th birthday of the sole son of the Loud house, Luna wakes her brother up with a tradition that Lincoln, though happy to engage in, doesn't recall the heartwarming event behind it. So, with a side-hug and a smile, Luna tells her dear brother the full tale of the day she told him just what birthdays are for. A fluffy birthday gift to myself, enjoy. Wholesomeverse