
  • Amber and Emerald: A male Miho stroy

    Miho Nishisumi, after his order put a Stug III crew in mortal danger, loses his chance to join the Co-ed Kuromorimine academy, having to resort to Ooarai. There he meets Hanoashi Katoni, an old friend from his Year at Nishmari. However, Shiho as it turns out didn't just intend for Miho to join Ooarai just to get him away from Sensado, for she has other plans for her youngest son...

  • Ooarai vs Sanders Remastered:

    What would the Ooarai VS Sanders match look like if Sanders had a Junior team consisting of Lees, Chaffies, Sturarts, and Locust tanks? What if that team was Lead by Miho's old friend and Co-ed team champion Hanoashi Katoni? And what if this match ultimatly ended their friendship? Just a single chapter stroy.

  • Tragedy of an exhausted team commander

    Sometimes, you fight and you fight, but you never get to enjoy your victories. For Hanoashi, this was doubly true. However, not being able to enjoy a celebratory match you won for your school due to graduation, or the continued existed of your high school due to a broken promise was one thing. Not being able to enjoy what you wanted most of all in life is another completely.

  • Ayumi and das Clone

    The last thing Ayumi Yamagou expected was a clone. The last thing former 29 year old male fanfic writer and GUP fanatic Blazepanzer expected was to become that clone. Quickly forming a bond of friendship and sisterhood, the adventure of a lifetime awaits them. Even if separation on the Sensado team, romance, and life's drama can become a bit of a drag sometimes.

  • The shattering of a duck

    For Takio Kondou, making it to the Sensado Leauge finals seemed unbelievable, especially when they had to beat not one, but two of the top name schools to get there. Unfortunately, no one could have predicted the catastrophe that would befall the participants of the match, nor the controversy of it's aftermath. A Prologue to my 444th Bad-c Blue division Sensado squadron fanfic.

  • A Friend in exile

    Having been expelled from the Sensado team, Hanoashi had walked off alone, and no one had stood up for her, nor questioned Ami Chono. However, in another time, another reality something spurred Takio to spring up and join her, the two becoming fast friends, ready to face the future together. This is the start of their journey together, as two best friends.

  • A Duck after the collapse

    Takio Kondou, Radio Operator of the type 89, and eventual Deputy commander of Ooarai Girl's academy. However, after a deadly bus accident, she finds herself waking up in a rather strange world. A world where relations are mandatory and Society is recovering from the brink.

  • Archery Team Antics

    Hanoashi, Rikona, Takio, Ayumi, and Rose. Five of Ooarai's newest students. One Club will bring these five former strangers together, and one sport shall bring them all sorts of experiences. Craziness, amazement, and sometimes frustration. For when you're a part of the Archery Club, all sorts of Antics are sure to follow!

  • A Trio of Siblings at Ooarai

    Sisters Hanoashi, Miho, and Maho Katoni have just arrived at Ooarai. Barred from participating in the Nishmari Middle school league due to an accident, the three sisters find themselves able to join the Sensado sport they longed to join. Now starting in the High school league with no prior experience, can these sister prove they have what it takes to be Sensado athletes?