
  • Timmy's Big Decision

    Timmy struggles to choose between Trixie Tang, and Tootie as his heart aches another problem arises. Remy Buxaplenty becomes an ominous foe willing to stop him from uncovering a secret truth. Will our hero prevail against all odds? I dunno read it. Rated M for swearing, violence, drug use, and implied sex. Which means not explicitly shown.

  • Timmy's Big Decision

    Timmy struggles to choose between two love interests, Trixie Tang, and Tootie. Along the way discovers a sinister plot formulated by the malicious Remy Buxaplenty who's poised to defeat him. Will he succeed? I dunno read to find out. Importing this story from archiveofourown so go check it out on there too. Rated M for violence, swearing, drug use, and implied sex.

  • The Plainsville Saga

    It had been a single year, since Timmy Turner the courageous, yet stubborn 14 year old moved to Plainsville. The move was hard but he still talks to his AJ and Chester through video calls. Before he left he wanted to tell Chloe something really personal that he never got the opportunity to say to her. How will he adjust to his new life in Plainsville? T for language and angst. WIP.