The events of Season 5 of Cobra Kai except within the Schwarberverse. Epilogue for the Schwarberverse series.
The Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do karate dojos have staked all or nothing on the 51st All Valley karate tournament. Whoever loses, may no longer keep their doors open. The fifth and final book of the Schwarberverse series.
The results of Season 3 of Cobra Kai in an alternative universe. How will the Valley manage the rising conflict of the dojo war? Into violence, brotherhood, and the importance of fatherhood. Book 4 of the Schwarberverse.
Shortly after a two time All Valley champion emerges in the Valley for a third time in history, tensions grow between Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai karate. There isn't enough room for two dojos in the Valley, let alone a third. The third book of the series of Defeat Does Not Exist.
An Alternate Universe of Season 1 of Cobra Kai if Miguel Diaz moved to Los Angeles where Cobra Kai was already open and very well known as Robby lived with Johnny. How would Miguel Diaz be able to adapt to a very different world than he normally would've experienced? Direct sequel to Defeat Does Not Exist. Pairings: Miguel/Sam, Robby/Tory.
The first Self Insert OC in the Cobra Kai and Karate Kid universe. No character arcs nor dynamics will be the same as canon (mostly), and how will someone with complete knowledge of the series affect. Well, just about everything in the Cobra Kai world? Slow paced generally and starts 1 year prior to Season 1 of Cobra Kai. Endgame Ships: Miguel/Sam, Robby/Tory.
The Cobra Kai dojo has two All Valley tournaments won and is back to its roots in its original location. How will anyone, Robby, Daniel, Johnny, Miguel, or anyone be able to stop them and Terry Silver? Is there any healing from past mistakes or reconciliation?
After the tournament, there isn't much hope left in the Valley. And the daunting Cobra Kai seem to be impacting Miguel, Robby, and everyone it can every single day in new and different ways. How can they ever stop the unending tide that is Coba Kai? A Season 5 and onwards story told partially in Robby's perspective.