Phips and Filly

  • No Tomorrow

    That's all she had left of him; a black rose and a goodbye. Sirius/Lily drabble.

  • We Can Make Believe

    There's no possible way to have acceptance and true love. No possible way to have true love without loss. In other words, its not going to be a happy ending for anyone. Written for the 99 love/pain quotes challenge. Various pairings romantic & platonic.

  • Always Raining

    It was always raining in the house of Black, so why should that keep them from having any fun. At least thats what Sirius thought. Regulus wasn't so sure. About a lot of things. -Childhood sibling fic-

  • What I Like About You

    Just a small little detour and Lily Evans would be right back on schedule. Well, she would have been if not for a certain insufferable Marauder by the name of Sirius Black. But maybe not everything's as bad as it seems. Maybe. But it probably is.

  • Misjudgment

    Sometimes people drown in the least expected ways. And their lives are forever revolving on decisions made by their greatest terror. But this is why we lie.. A drabble for each of the Blacks.. Pandora's Little Box of Terrors challenge

  • For Whoever's Watching

    "God didn't shag Lily Evans for you." James has a bit of trouble grasping the concept of Lily's pregnancy. And he's wondering what he really loves. Of course there's a few constants; Sirius, magic, an a little something to smoke. J/S friendship

  • Big Mistake

    Maybe James would have been better off had he considered the consequences of snogging Bellatrix earlier on. Although, that's what he has Sirius for.