

  • Chosen

    Take one saiyan prince, add a dash of teenaged savior, tell prince to train savior, Makes and unhappy Voldi

  • The Crow, Harry Potter

    People once believed that a crow guided a soul to heaven. But sometimes something so terrible happened during life, that a soul feels such pain it cannot rest . . . and sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to set the wrong things r

  • Tempus Reborn

    Harry Puts a band together.

  • Beginning of the end

    The war has begun. Mid fifth year, not OotP!

  • Hold me, Kiss me, Thrill me, Kill me

    Harry meets beautiful girl, Harry dies, Harry kills. Bad summary as per my usual. Note will be a darkharry

  • Harry Potter and the Time of Change

    Harry changes due to Sirius' death, Is it good or bad?