
  • It's Yours

    Sierra and Fred have been together for a few years now. Everything has been fine, until a taunt from Draco Malfoy causes the past to be dragged up... Rated T for minimal swearing. One-shot, quite short! For everyone who refuses to accept Fred's death!

  • Can You Help Me?

    I once started reading a story where the victims of Voldemort and his followers begin coming back to life and appearing in the grounds of Hogwarts. The time period is after or around the Nineteen Years Later. Harry is Head Auror and Ron is an Auror. I desperately want to find this story, please read inside to see what I remember from the plot. Hopefully someone can help me?

  • Eyes That See

    People approach things in different ways. Some will engage a matter head on. Others will think a bit before challenging. Others however, watch. And that's how they win in the end.

  • Fire and Ice

    Some people are just so oblivious to it all. They see what they want to see, and well if they were stupid enough to do so, then what was Dominique to do but shock their bland minds a little? Drabble

  • Shocking

    Dominique. That's all she is. She doesn't have a particular talent- except for a certain ability to shock. Drabble- I think

  • Too Busy Being Nuts

    One Shot: AnnaLynne is Blaise's twin sister and has a thing for our Draco. Involves Hogsmeade, a very awesome walk and fish. Random, sweet and I like to think funny! Rated T for ONE swear word. Give it a shot!