

  • Ready To Lose Everything But You

    It's Rachel Berry's wedding day. Noah Puckerman had thought he didn't know how to love her at twenty, but at twenty-eight, years too late, he'd learned better. And as painful as it was, in the end, he thought loving her meant he'd have to let her go.

  • Control

    She'd come today to break that final hold he had over her, and so she had to do this alone." A dark, post-Hogwarts fiction in which Hermione struggles to wrest the last piece of her shattered freedom from the one who had broken her.

  • Salvation

    He clutched at the ring, knowing he couldn't put it on and take on all it meant. Instead, he took her hand in his and slid the ring onto her finger." In the final hours at Hogwarts, two students come to terms with the scars left by the final battle.

  • The Heart Loves What It Loves

    On a hot day in spring, one solitary teenager contemplates love, never expecting to discover that, despite all reason and logic, she's already fallen.