

  • Ring Around the Moon

    "The answer is no, Captain Reynolds," Captain Adama snapped. "The Fleet has suffered damages and will suffer more, and we are short on scrap to repair it with. Just so happens Fireflies are basically flying scrap. The needs of the Fleet come first. The only say you have in this matter is what ship your crew is on when this happens. I would not suggest staying on this one."

  • Ranger Creed

    (post-movie) Four interconnected stories, told from the perspective of each member of the A-Team in increasing order of rank. Something a member of the A-Team does puts the other three in mortal peril, and it is up to that one member to get them out of it again.

  • Equality

    After the third time the likely well-meaning noble Buri Cousland knocked Alim Surana to the dirt, Natia Brosca took pity on the elf (Ostagar). Universe where Duncan recruited four Grey Wardens: Brosca, Cousland, Surana, and Tabris.

  • Dig Two Graves

    Shortly after enlisting the help of former NCR sniper Craig Boone, the Courier learns that he has a habit of charging headlong into Legion troops without regard for his safety. (non-romance)

  • Don't Be Afraid

    FTL: Advanced Edition. Lt. Lana Borman knew that her mission was FUBAR from the very start, but never more so than when she was told that she would be taking a Lanius ship, with two Lanius crew-members to support her.