A fanfic for Gravedale High's Vinnie Stoker and Reggie Moonshroud (Veggie). With appreciation to Lina-the-dEmEnTeD-AUTHOR, kokolo, and mockingbird13 who have kept this pairing alive.
A selection of word prompts. Will involve Kico... maybe Skans or Skilene later. Whatever comes to mind for Skipper, Private, Kowalski and Rico.
Did anyone else watching 'Truth Ache' wonder what exactly Kowalski's embarrassing secret was? This is what my mind suggested. Contains Kico.
A short idea of how Rico and Kowalski might have met in Antarctica. Could be Kico if you have a mind to that. Thanks to Crazy-Pairing-Girl for the beta reading.
A short drabble inspired by the episode '0-8-4'. Particularly the scene at the beginning where Simmons takes a selfie of her and Fitz. FitzSimmons.