

  • Fair Lily

    Petunia hated her sister, loved her, despised her, adored her, envied her, revelled in her face. A peek into the mind of Petunia Dursley, the woman who lost everything, gained everything, but still has nothing. Petunia POV, oneshot, T for deep emotions.

  • She Was Too Late

    Petunia Dursley had reached the last decision. Her last chance. What would she do? She had to do it. Could she do it? Decisions...Petunia POV. Book 7. Petunia's thoughts as she says the final good-bye to Harry. T for deep emotions only. One-shot.

  • It Was Never Chance

    Reflection after the war has ended as people struggle to regain the normalcy that ruled before Voldemort came. And as people can't help but wonder what could have gone differently. It's all about the choices. OC POV, T for mature concepts, R&R! Oneshot

  • Letters to Fred

    They say writing is cathartic. Whether or not that's true, George decides to give it a shot, following the Battle of Hogwarts.

  • Inexcusable

    Her beauty, her talent, her goodness; it was inexcusable. It was inexcusable for her to be so remarkable while I was so unremarkable. It was unforgivable. It was inexcusable. Petunia POV over the years-oneshot!

  • An Odd Feeling

    A Quidditch practice from Harry POV after losing Gryffindor so many points, Book 1. Very clean, just a little bit of reflection. Wanted: feedback! Sorry about the summary :/

  • A Mutual Hatred

    Oneshot. OotP. What I think was going through Sirius Black and Severus Snape heads' in the chapter "Occlumency" when they nearly dueled after Harry is told he has to take Occlumency lessons. T for hatred and complexity that younger kids might not catch.