
  • Shirt stained red

    He'd probably tell Arthur later that he'd felt extremely guilty about ruining his shirt, but in all honesty he barely considered it for a second. The prince had enough in his wardrobe, he could spare one to help Merlin make it halfway across the castle without bleeding out. (Set in s02e02. The assassin lurking in Arthur's chambers isn't so quick to let Merlin leave.)

  • Bare your soul

    Before Arthur could dwell on the fact that he might be about to kill his servant, a voice boomed across the courtyard, the words cutting through him with an icy chill. He knew that voice, but never before had he heard it used with such venom. (Set in s02e01. It's up to Arthur to put an end to Sigan's destruction, even if the sorcerer's soul is currently trapped inside Merlin.)

  • wrapped in a cloak of misery

    The phone clattered to the ground only seconds before TK's knees buckled from underneath him. - a 3.07 coda.

  • Till the day I die

    Without thinking, Arthur continued where Gaius had left off, grabbing the cloth and squeezing out the excess water before resting it on Merlin's forehead. Maybe it wouldn't do much but it made him feel better, knowing he was helping just a little. (Set in s01e13. While Arthur is recovering from the near-fatal bite of the Questing Beast, he discovers that Merlin has fallen ill too)

  • Moving On

    "Kieren…what happened in the graveyard?" Missing scene from 2x06